ISSN: 2630-5720 | E-ISSN: 2687-346X
Volume: 55  Issue: 1 - 2015
1.Evaluation of the Pharmacists Who Work at the Government Hospital about Their Service Training
Aygül Yanık, Nihal Çöl, Aslı Eki&775;n, Fikriye Toker
Pages 1 - 10

2.The Demographic CharacterIstics and The Satisfaction Rates of PatIents HospItalIzed In a PublIc RehabIlItatIon HospItal
Başak Bilir Kaya, Duygu Kurtuluş, Gül Babacan Abanonu
Pages 11 - 16

3.The Relation Between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Pneumothorax (A complication of Trans Thoracic Fine Needle Aspiration)
Çiğdem Başkara, Murat Kıyık, Hüseyin Cem Tigin, Ayşin Durmaz, Tülay Sönmez, Sadettin Çıkrıkçıoğlu
Pages 17 - 21

4.Correspondence of Priority between DMSA Scintigraphy and Voiding Cystourethrography in Children with Urinary Tract Infections
Selçuk Gürel, Zehra Esra Önal, Narin Akıcı, Çağatay Nuhoğlu
Pages 22 - 30

5.Comparation of Open and Percutaneous Release Methods in Treatment of Trigger Digits
Ender Alagöz, Ozan Beytemur, Kahraman Demiryontar, Sever Çağlar, Mehmet Akif Güleç
Pages 31 - 36

6.Comparison of the Effects of Low-flow and High-Flow Anesthesia on Hemodynamics, liver and Renal Function Tests
Güşen Bosna, Osman Ekinci, Arif Yılmaz, Bekir Kaplan, Sıdıka Batan Erdem, Asu Özgültekin
Pages 37 - 44

7.The importance of angle of fracture and the effects of results of the fixation methods in the treatment of isolated fractures of medial malleols
Hakan Serhat Yanık, Atilla Polat, Mehmet Kerem Canbora, Şevki Erdem
Pages 45 - 49

8.Comparison of hyperbaric bupivacaine and hyperbaric levobupivacaine undergoing perianal surgery under saddle spinal anesthesia
Ömer Faruk Boran, Gülşen Bosna, Güldem Turan, Cem Coşar, Sıddıka Batan, Osman Eki&775;nci&775;
Pages 50 - 57

9.Intravenous Lipid use in Mirtazapine Intoxication
Bülent Serhan Yurtlu, Volkan Hancı, Mehmet Akın, Isıl Özkoçak Turan
Pages 58 - 60

10.Intrauterine Device in the sigmoid colon: Case Report
Gültekin Köse, Nurettin Aka, Cemile Kanlıkama, Murat Alpay
Pages 61 - 64

11.Elbow Dislocation with Proximal Radius Fracture
Güray Altun, Avni İlhan Bayhan, Atilla Polat, Levent Adıyeke
Pages 65 - 68

12.Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) due to the use of Phenitoin: Case Report
Hülya Anıl, Eylem Kıral, Koray Harmancı, Işıl Bulur, Abdülkadir Koçak
Pages 69 - 73

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