Catheter-related bladder perforation is a very rare complication in patients undergoing clean intermittent catheterization (CIC). Presently described is the case of a 40-year-old man who had been diagnosed as tetraplegic after a firearm injury (cervical spinal cord injury) 6 months earlier. As a result of neurogenic bladder, he had been permanently catheterized after the accident. CIC treatment was initiated with the help of a relative of the patient. Five days after the initiation of treatment, the patient was admitted to the emergency room with an acute abdomen and an intraperitoneal bladder perforation was diagnosed.
Keywords: Bladder, catheterization, clean, intermittent, perforation.Temiz aralıklı kateterizasyon uygulayan hastalarda, katetere bağlı mesane perforasyonu nadir görülen bir komplikasyondur. Biz burada 6 ay önce geçirdiği ateşli silah yaralanması sonrası (servikal spinal kord hasarı) tetraplejik olan ve nörojenik mesane nedeniyle kazadan bu yana sondalı olup; son 5 gündür hasta yakını tarafından TAK yapılan 40 yasında erkek hastada oluşan ve akut abdomen bulguları ile acile başvuran mesane perforasyonu olgusunu raporladık.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kateterizasyon, mesane, perforasyon.