ISSN: 2630-5720 | E-ISSN: 2687-346X

Forthcoming Issue

1. Assessing the Competence of ChatGPT-3.5 Artificial Intelligence System in Executing the ACLS Protocol of the AHA 2020
İbrahim Altundağ, Sinem Doğruyol, Burcu Genç Yavuz, Kaan Yusufoglu, Mustafa Ahmet Afacan, Şahin Çolak
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2. Does the cardiothymic-thoracic ratio in very low birth weight infants indicate the risk of developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia?
Sabriye Gülçin Bozbeyoğlu, Hüsnü Fahri Ovalı, Dilek Damla Saymazlar
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3. Comparison And Value of Non-invasive Tests in Chronic Hepatitis B and C Versus Liver Biopsy
Recep Balık, Tuna Demirdal, Serap Ural, Salih Atakan Nemli, Selin Özdemir, Ümmü Sena Sarı
doi: 10.14744/hnhj.2024.69345  Page 0

4. Evaluation of preoperative perfusion index measurement to predict propofol-related hypotension in procedural sedation
Temel Güner, Selma San, Bülent Barış Güven
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5. Distrubution of activation markers according to stages in the follow-up of patients wıth sarcoidosis
Yelda Başbuğ, Eylem Tunçay, Melahat Kururtepe
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6. The effect of the ACE inhibitor lisinopril on cerebral vasospasm after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage
Emine Demir, Mustafa Arif Eras, Turgay Bilge
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7. The Effects of Covid-19 Infection on Patients with Rheumatic Diseases Treated With Biological Agents During The Pandemic
Berna Günay, Nilgün Mesci, Duygu Geler Külcü, Erkan Mesci, Emine Unkun Kandemir, TALHA Çelik
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8. Exposure of Healthcare Workers to Blood and Bodily Fluids: A 10-Year Retrospective Analysis at a Single Center
İlkay Akbulut, Ferhat Demirci
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