ISSN: 2630-5720 | E-ISSN: 2687-346X
[Haydarpasa Numune Med J]
Haydarpasa Numune Med J. 2022; 62(2): 168-172 | DOI: 10.14744/hnhj.2020.91489

Comparison of Endoscopic Surgery and Transcallosal Microsurgery in Colloid Cysts of the Third Ventricle

Ali Arslan, Müjdat Büke, İsmail İştemen, Yurdal Gezercan, Mustafa Emre Saraç
Adana City Training and Research Hospital, Adana, Turkey

INTRODUCTION: Treatment of colloid cysts in symptomatic patients is surgery. Two most frequently used methods are transcallosal microsurgery and endoscopic surgery. However, the question as to which method is more effective remains to be controversial. Better results as compared to the past have been reported especially on recent advancements in endoscopic techniques and the technology. In the light of these recent advancements, we aimed to compare both methods employed in our clinic.
METHODS: Twenty-six patients operated in our clinic due to the colloid cyst of the third vernicle between the years 2012 and 2017 were included in the study. Fourteen patients that underwent transcallosal microsurgery and 12 that underwent endoscopic surgery were compared as two groups. The two groups were compared in terms of surgical duration, hospitalization duration, bleeding, total resection, reoperation, and shunt necessity.
RESULTS: Complaints of patients at the time of arrival at the clinic and the neurological findings and demographic data relating thereto were identified to be the same in both groups. While total resection and complication rates were observed to be higher in the transcallosal microsurgery group; hospitalization duration, surgical duration, shunt necessity, and bleeding were determined to be lower.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Endoscopic surgery is as effective in the excision of the colloid cysts of the third ventricule as microsurgery. Furthermore, it reduces surgical duration, bleeding, hospitalization duration, and shunt necessity.

Keywords: Colloid cysts, endoscopic surgery, transcallosal microsurgery.

Sorumlu Yazar: Ali Arslan, Türkiye
Makale Dili: İngilizce
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